The Stockton Diamond Grade Separation project has completed its environmental review phase, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A wide range of resource areas were studied to identify potential effects of the proposed project and establish clear mitigations prior to approval to ensure the project continues forward.
On Friday, June 4, 2021, the SJRRC Board of Directors, the CEQA Lead Agency, approved the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Click here to view the Final EIR and appendices. The California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), the NEPA Lead Agency, under delegation by the Federal Highway Administration, approved the Final Environmental Assessment (EA)/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in July 2022. Click here to view the Final EA/FONSI.
CEQA: Notice of Preparation (NOP) of EIR/EA (Launched on Aug. 19, 2020) – Complete
- Document
- Advertisements placed in the Stockton Record and Vida en el Valle publications to alert public of Environmental Process kick-off and initiation of development of the environmental document. An e-blast was also distributed by the Latino Times.
- Mailer sent to 6,300 community members and stakeholders in the project contact list promoting NOP/Scoping Period and Public Comment opportunities.
- Social media posts and advertisements on Facebook and Twitter
- Seven e-blasts distributed from the project email account
CEQA: Scoping & minimum 30-day Public Comment Period – Public Scoping Meetings (45 days from Aug. 19 to Oct. 3, 2020) – Complete
- See Meetings
- This early step in the EIR/EA allowed interested public to provide input into the project and environmental scope. In order to allow the public extra time to review, SJRRC extended the minimum public comment period to 45 days.
- To provide convenient participation in a safe environment while social distancing, three virtual public meetings were held in during this period in mid-September 2020 to share information and seek input.
CEQA: Draft EIR Development – Complete
NEPA: Draft EA Development – Complete
- Development of the Draft Environmental Documents that highlight results of the analysis of alternatives, environmental impacts and identification of mitigation measures. The Draft EIR was released on March 15, 2021 and approved by the SJRRC Board of Directors on June 4, 2021. The Draft EA is anticipated to go through CHSRA Board approval this summer.
CEQA: Draft EIR 45-Day Circulation for
Public/Agency Review & Comment –
Public Meeting –
NEPA: Draft EA 30-Day Circulation for Public/Agency Review & Comment – Public Meeting – Complete
- A Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft EIR and Draft EA was placed within local/regional newspapers.
- Mailer sent to project contact list promoting NOA/Public Comment Period.
- Draft EIR and Draft EA were circulated electronically through website, housed at key community repositories and distributed to partner agencies for review and submission of comments within a formal public comment period.
- Bilingual Public Meetings held to share Draft EIR and Draft EA and seek formal input through a number of mediums including but not limited to: letters, emails, website submission, comment cards, and court reporter transcripts.
CEQA: Final EIR, including Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program – Complete
NEPA: Final EA, including
Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments – Complete
- Preparation and certification of Final EIR/EA
- All comments received during Public Comment Period are included and addressed within Final EIR/EA.
CEQA: SJRRC Decision/Notice of Determination – Public
Hearing - Complete
Finding of No Significant Impact – Complete
- Provides formal notification in local/regional newspapers of Final EIR/EA availability and review
- Public hearing held to allow Lead Agency to hear Public Testimony and take action on FINAL EIR/EA.
: Public participation opportunities
Key activities during environmental planning include coordination with regulatory agencies including, but not limited to:

Environmental Data Collection and Field Surveys

Preparation of environmental technical studies*

Development of a Draft EIR/EA

Public review of Draft EIR/EA

Preparation of Final Environmental Approval Docs
*Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions; noise and vibration; biological resources; cultural resources; community impacts; transportation and circulation; hazardous materials; and others
Local and regional community stakeholders, as well as the general public, play key roles in the environmental planning process through ongoing participation and by providing timely and formal input at critical public comment periods within the environmental process. This valuable engagement helps to identify and address key concerns, issues, and potential impacts in order to develop a project that best meets the needs of the community.